Thursday, October 22, 2009

Condom Ramblings - Tamar

The sign on the triple xxx video store my bus passes every morning on my way to work blinks in bright red letters CONDOMS 25 cents, and I wonder...

What today can you buy for 25 cents? At our store about the only thing would be a one and half inch Styrofoam ball, and you’d still need some pennies for sales tax. I don’t think there’s anything in the corner store that cheap, and even if there were, it would probably be old, dusty, and stale.

So let’s see. For 25 cents, I bet they are plain. No ribbed, flavoured, lubricated, studded, juicy (?), micro thin, bumpy, glow in the dark (would you have problems finding it otherwise?) condoms here, I bet. Just plain ordinary condoms, probably used for self-service only. But then I guess you wouldn’t need one.

The problem with not knowing much about condoms leads to a search on Google, which means if I come to a mysterious bloody end, the cops will probably confiscate my laptop and find all these condom sites on its hard drive. Oops. What we wouldn’t do for research.

Anyway, these condoms, which are probably made in China, are very cheap and may make a perfect Christmas gift for someone you don’t know very well, but who may expect a present, like a co-worker, or mailman, or maybe your dentist. Just pop in a pretty gift bag and add a tumble of curly ribbon, and there you go.

You can learn a lot on a bus trip if you keep your eyes open.

1 comment:

  1. The way your mind works is down right scary! LOL This is great, Tamar! I'm so happy to see you posting again! I've missed your weird sense of humor and your wonderful writing skills. And now I know what to give the mailman for Christmas! Thank you!
