a tree and a bike
are not really alike
as a tree cannot roll down the street
the bike it can glide
and take you for a ride
with just some small help from your feet
a tree just stands tall
not mobile at all
and waits for the scamper of feet
to its branches up high
where the leaves dip and sigh
it will offer a secretive seat.
from the bike you may tip
and scrape knees, hands and lip
and bonk your head hard on a rock
in a tree you may fumble
breaking bones as you tumble
and give you a terrible shock.
so, a tree and a bike
are somewhat alike
they can both cause a great deal of pain
but if you're like me
the bike, or the tree
will seduce you again and again.
I DO so love climbing trees, or at least I used to love it. Haven't done it in quite awhile but I still remember swaying in the breeze after climbing a tree to escape my older brother. He couldn't catch me up there! I love your poem, Tamar!