Friday, June 26, 2009

The Break-Up ... Maybe (part 2) - Tamar

That blasted alarm went off at five-thirty again, and if I hadn’t tried to drown it with my pillow, I might have been able to get back to sleep. But now I have a crick in my neck, plus a headache from that last glass of wine, and a blister on my toe from those new shoes. Damn.

The coffee’s not quite ready yet, even though he’s been downstairs for at least ten minutes. I use the bathroom, splash water on my face – that waterproof mascara is crap, my cheeks are all streaked with the stuff – at least I hope it’s mascara. What the heck did we end up doing last night? Maybe Roxie or Ria remembers, I sure as heck don’t. Oh well, at least I won’t have to lie when I get a side dish of third degree with my coffee. I stumble downstairs and there he is, at the table, all dressed for work in his sexy blue overalls and, yes, of course, his baseball cap.

“Good morning, sunshine!”

I can’t help it. It’s the uniform that gets me every time. He’s just so darned cute, and when I see him at work when he’s head down in the engine well of a car...well, you know.

I go fall in his lap and groan. He rubs my shoulders, picks me up and deposits me on the couch. Then he gets a huge mug of coffee, sweet with sugar and pale with milk, and brings it over. A quick kiss, a bye bye wave, and he’s gone to work.

Geez. He’s fantastic, really. I think I’ll stick around after all.

1 comment:

  1. Don't even bother calling me - I don't remember what we did either!
