Wednesday, June 17, 2009

To Forward or Delete? That is the question - Tamar

After opening the 8745th email asking me to forward to at least 7 or 78 of my friends or something terrible will happen to me, I’m beginning to feel a little bit nervous. I find it a lot easier to hit the delete key, rather than choose which friends deserve the ultimatum of the day – I would hate to be the one to cause destruction to a friend if they, like me, have worn out the delete key on their computers.

So now, I have to be careful for falling fridges, earthquakes on bridges, chicken bones, exploding phones, toothy pit bulls, sharp garden tools, speeding cars, men from mars, and heaven only knows what else may be lurking around the corner.

Now, on the other hand, if I don’t forward the ones with the angels in them, I will never know what good things I’ve been missing. Would I have won the lottery, had a date with Sean Connery, got a cruise somewhere hot, well, probably not – but I guess I’ll never know, because I don’t hit that forward key and click on check all in my address book.

If however, you are one of my friends who do indeed forward me these dire warnings or hopeful teasers, I would like to thank you considering me a friend. but you can stop sending me these emails now, because you know I’ll just get rid of them right away, and break all these pretty chains. Sorry.

So I’ll spend my days deleting and watching where I step, thinking about all the treasures I’m giving up, praying to stay alive and healthy until the next time I check my email and receive 12 more warnings.

1 comment:

  1. Well said! But it's not going to stop 'em. Nothing does! They're like little weeds in the garden, more pop up right where you tore up the other ones, just like clockwork, they keep on coming - kind of like the Energizer bunny, they keep going and going and going!
